Our interior designers and expert advisers for furnishing will be pleased to advise you on any question you might have regarding living, office and object, planning, interior fittings by our accredited workshops as well as light and fabrics.
Interior design implies for us to transform contents and messages into a sensually tangible ambience. This holistic approach to developing concepts and project ideas is important for us: we give the personality and the needs of the client top priority. We develop individual solutions with creativity and expertise.
We allow the extra time. For our customers, their individual requests, their specific conceptions and requirements. We want the intensive dialogue because it is the only way to find answers to crucial questions: for exciting custom-made and object-related design concepts.
The more thorough the planning the more convincing the realization and the lower the building costs. We create individual furnishing solutions for you. From the best possible setup of single furnishing systems, to the design of separate living spaces and entire concepts for apartments or houses, we advise and accompany you with the various possibilities of today's furniture collections. We take care of the details that might bring a space to perfection.
Make a non-binding on-site appointment for your home. Or send us a ground plan together with your requests.
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